Monday, January 23, 2012


What is love? How do we know if we're I'm love? What's the difference between being in love and loving a favorite food? To me the word love can be very confusing to most who don't really understand its true meaning.

Love is an emotion. There's only 2 major emotions which are love and fear. And what I've come to understand is we simply act and vibrate based on those 2 emotions. When someone shows anger or rage, deep inside there is fear that has been suppressed. This is common knowledge, but no one really talks about how each emotion vibrates at a different frequency. We're all too wrapped up in the actual word that we neglect to feel the emotion of love. When you vibrate at the love frequency you will manifest the most incredible life for yourself and attract others to you. You'll be able to live any life you wish when vibrating the frequency of love.

The problem is with society on many different levels is it causes separatism. We may have been led to believe that choices are free will, but if you look deeper our choices are causing more and more separation between us as humans. We really don't know how to act when we're not vibrating love, which is why we're so chaotic. The illusion of striving for the next product to purchase is not love. These satisfy deep desires to obtain wealth and have more than others. This stems from fear a well. We fear being left behind. Not having what everyone has, not being accepted, ect. This is what we all need to stop and realize. What you are doing you have been taught to do for a reason. It's time to step outside of the box and show pure love. You'll see how difficult it may be for you, but this will lead you on a path of soul searching. You have to experience pain to receive pleasure, but what I have also noticed is or society today is simply hiding from truly showing love.

So here's some things to do to try and shift our frequency to vibrate love and move on from this stagnant world we live in today.

1) meditate: please everyone, this is so important to sit in silence and clear your mind. This is essential to your growth and understanding. The secrets of the world are locked inside of you. You just have to ask. This is definitely a practice, but there's a ton of information on the Internet providing tips. Also I recommend starting with meditation music to help keep your mind off of the nonsense that automatically pops in your head.

2) eat clean food: I don't need to go to deep into this, but eating a healthy diet of fresh fruits and veggies and cutting out processed garbage will help your mind, body, and soul. You are what you eat and we're all in denial about it. We're addicted to our shitty food and it's time to change or eating habits. Food does not make you happy, it satisfies you for a moment. And typically heavy eaters are afraid so they keep on eating to keep their minds off of their fear. Juicing fruits and veggies is an amazing way to consume a lot without actually eating them.

3) smile at strangers: this little change will show amazing results. And it will make you feel good inside. Try it!

4) work hard: do what you love though. If you have a job do the best you can. And I also recommend working on you passion and trying to learn ways to monetize from it. I feel that when you can make money off your passion you genuinely learn how to provide a great service and help others without ever really thinking about money. So go ahead and write some ideas down.

5) call your family and friends often: don't neglect the people in your life.

6) read: reading opens the mind and give new ideas. One book a month can change your life in no time. Give it a shot, it can only make you smarter...

Well, these are just some ideas to help vibrate at a higher frequency. Would love to hear some other things people do to vibrate love!

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