So we want to be full of health and wellness, but can't figure out the right formula? Tried all kinds of fads, diets, and pills, but nothing seems to work? Let's be real though. At the end of the day we all know by now there is no quick fix to anything in life. If you want fulfillment, joy, or happiness in anything we must work at it and work hard. We're a species that easily becomes addicted to our lifestyle, habits, identity, and beliefs. It literally defines us. But is our identity necessarily truth? Maybe another good post idea...
So back to the topic at hand... Juicing! Some people may or may not have heard about the next best thing since sliced bread, but apparently juicing fruits and vegetable virtually cures ALL disease. We're also finding out that our state of mind and thoughts create our reality... Maybe more on that later or another post also. I'm not going to get scientific here, but I challenge everyone to research juicing and the amazing ability of the human body to heal itself when properly fed and maintained.
A few good places to start in your research is to google the following:
David "Avocado" Wolfe
Dan "The Man" McDonald
Documentary: Fat, Sick, and Nearly, Dead
The Gerson Therapy (also has a documentary)
Juicer Recommendation: Breville.
I've tried a lot of juicers and this has been by far the best I've seen. But again do your own research.
See for yourself the amazing healing potential of juicing! Our grandparents were right all along telling us to eat our fruits and veggies. Chose food over pills. Big Pharma and the FDA are all for profit, do your research. We're blessed to be able to learn for ourselves. Don't take your decisions for granted. Don't let other people tell you what's right and wrong. We're a society that's allowed to kill and poison our species in the name of God, Money, and Power. We have all the power. Life life to the fullest! Love everything with full intentions. Big smile!!!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
End of the World?
Nope... Just disinformation from people trying to manipulate our minds so we're distracted from our own personal growth. Not focusing on personal growth keeps you chasing the dream. Keeps us focused on materialism instead of our selves... Fleeting pleasures are not true joy. What we see is not necessarily real. Start focusing on ourselves, not money or ego. We are how we perceive the world. Ego separates us. It's our devil. Arguing over politicians is simply ego. You feel you're always right because we are indeed God. We know our connection to the creator is real, it's just inside of us. No one is different. Identities are ego and meant to distract us. Your physical body and appearance is nothing more than a shell that carries your soul. We're all just made up of energy. No one is their physical appearance. Nothing is separate, unless we chose to believe it is. Having difference of opinion is what makes us all unique. We need to realize that our ego is Satan and we chose to live in heaven or hell. It's all in our minds. The stillness of the air provides us with all the answers. Quite your mind... Love yourself and others will love you.
Friday, April 6, 2012
There are no enemies.
Love your enemy like you love yourself. Is your enemy your ego? Are you supposed to love it like you love your true self? When you see bad in people are you seeing a reflection of your self? Are others simply a tool or a mirror for self reflection?
When we fear the reaction of others for being your true self than you are controlled by another force. Don't force your beliefs on others, but certainly don't neglect it because of ridicule. Be who you are nothing more nothing less. Trying to be more is living in the future always wanting more material. Being less is living in the past and not living up to your true potential which is only possible in this very moment. What is the future anyway, every time we get there we find ourselves back in this very moment. Where do we think our power is?
When we fear the reaction of others for being your true self than you are controlled by another force. Don't force your beliefs on others, but certainly don't neglect it because of ridicule. Be who you are nothing more nothing less. Trying to be more is living in the future always wanting more material. Being less is living in the past and not living up to your true potential which is only possible in this very moment. What is the future anyway, every time we get there we find ourselves back in this very moment. Where do we think our power is?
Sunday, March 25, 2012
The Venus Project
If you haven't heard of The Venus Project check this video out. Our future awaits.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
We love you Iran and Israel!
Please please please spread this video!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Saturday, March 10, 2012
The Ultimate Test
This is the ultimate test. We are heading into the final months of time as we know it. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it will certainly come with the last ultimate test of choice. We are to choose to be one with all and not fear the change that is inevitable. Let's all meditate daily together and inclusion all of us coming together as one big family and full of abundance. I love you all my human family. I know you will all make the right choice. Yes we were given the gift of thought, but for this next remaining months try feeling to help make your next decisions. Our thoughts may have been manipulated so we have to learn how to only use our hearts and intuition to know what's right and wrong. In the end some one will win. Will it be the dark or the light?
Monday, March 5, 2012
Here we GO!!!
George Bush Sr. and Bill Gates Arrested?? Well some reports are starting to surface about their arrest. This is very exciting times for us even though many of you will feel fear. Do not chose fear! Just because things are changing does not mean to be afraid. Everything you have known will be turned upside down, but the good news is its for oneness, abundance, love, pure joy... Our money system will soon vanish, your world leaders and royal families will vanish, and we will ascend to a higher level of consciousness. This is NOT scary, but amazing. You will learn about an inner world beneath you with higher dimensional beings that are pure love. There are spiritual warriors on our planet now disguising themselves as loving humans as they help prepare our ascension. Stay aware to your social media sites and news outlets. Our time has come! Hold on for a wild ride!!!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Focus on LOVE
In these times be still, focus on love and light at all times. Your attention should only be on the present moment and when any moment of negativity approaches destroy it with love and light. Listen to music that makes you happy. Feel good no matter the weather. In these days just realize that you have a choice on how you feel. Even if life is going that good just start to focus on love and light. Know and believe that change is coming but only to those who want it. Spread the message of truth to anyone to help make this change easier for all. Let's love each other! No more hiding, let's embrace what we have together. This has got to be our role. No matter what happens in the coming months believe that what is happening is good. We have nothing to fear if we chose love.
Inner Earth
Come up with your own conclusions here...
Friday, March 2, 2012
Human Ascension moving forward as planned...
Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Lives For A Life Changing Newsflash!
All your life you have waited for the good news, and that day has finally come. Very soon you will witness large-scale mass arrests all over the world of many men and women who you have come to know as our world's political and financial leaders. These arrests will reach high into the U.S. Government and include many members of the financial and banking worlds. Many of these names you will immediately recognize, though some you may not immediately recognize, but all have actively taken part in serious crimes against the people, leaving our nations bankrupt why they looted our hard earned money.
These arrests are groundbreaking, and these arrests are Earth changing. Humanity will finally be free from the tyrannical control of these powerbrokers commonly known as the Cabal. These arrests should come as no surprise to many of us as we all know deep down that there is something very wrong with this world, a place where so many go to bed hungry at night while a few others possess not millions or billions, but trillions of dollars, pilfered from the labors of the people. There has always been enough wealth on this planet to go around, yet these few men and women have been dividing up for themselves virtually all of the wealth of our world, leaving only crumbs for the rest of us to compete over. Upon these arrests, this will now change.
Many new projects will immediately be implemented under the new leadership of men and women of the highest integrity who are committed to restoring our world to the utopia it once was, governed by a constitutional and true democratic process. There are many men and women dedicated to this cause throughout the US Government, agencies at the Pentagon, militaries, the financial sector, as well as the private business sector who have committed so much of their lives to this effort, and they are so eager to present to humanity our new system of abundance that they have been working so diligently on in secret for years. As part of these proceedings, vast sums of wealth that have been stolen from the people will be redistributed through programs that will benefit greatly every man, woman and child on the planet. No one will be overlooked, and no one will be forgotten.
And there is more.
Upon the arrests of these many members of the criminal Cabal, the second phase of this operation will commence. Today our world is being visited by many spiritually enlightened beings who wish to openly reunite with their ancient family. These spiritually advanced men and women are assisting in the disarmament of the criminal Cabal which has controlled much of the world's military and possessed highly advanced weapons systems.
These advanced ancestors of the human race appear just as we do, although there are other beings that we shall meet as well that do not look like we do. All are ascended spiritual beings who are only here to assist us make the changes we all know deep down inside need to be made. These beings are the original planners of this world, and are the same advanced civilizations that built many of the great archaeological mysteries such as the pyramids in Egypt. They are not strangers to us at all, as we are their ancestors, all of us.
A very important social experiment has been conducted here over many years and each of us has been a part of it. We have been left here, seemingly all alone, to work things out for ourselves. This experiment is now over and it has been a tremendous success. We are now about to reunite with our brothers and sisters from the stars and be welcomed into the greater Galactic Community.
As they are many worlds that go by many names, it is easier to refer to them at this time by the name of their peaceful alliances: The Galactic Federation of Light, and the Ashtar Command.
Upon these arrests and our reunion with our Star Family, all the problems of our world will be quickly and smoothly brought into the alignment of our new Golden Age society through the leadership of souls of pure hearted intent. Through a worldwide community effort, all wars, hunger, poverty, illness, and pollution will soon be a thing of the past, as will our lives of daily servitude. Advanced technologies will replace our need to labor our lives away, and everyone will be free to pursue every creative dream they have ever had.
All this will begin with the imminent arrests of the many members of the criminal Cabal, and these arrests will take place as soon as a suitable number of our planet’s citizens are aware of what these proceedings will mean for our society. This is why you are reading these words today, as many members of your human family are doing all they can to share this news with you and do their part to usher in our civilizations new Golden age of peace, freedom, and prosperity for every man, woman and child throughout our world. Celebrations the world over are certainly appropriate and are encouraged by the Galactic Federation of Light, as it is important that humanity sees these arrests as good news and not more of the bad that we have become so accustomed.
Please participate in this great cause by sharing this message on Facebook and other online social networks. This is your chance to really make a difference and be a leader of your fellow man. If we all do our part to spread this news, we will all begin to witness these high profile arrests all around the world, and this will be your sign that everything you just read is true.
Thanks to Greg Giles for this info..., February 2, 2012
Thank you to all the musicians out there who tell it how it is. You help us realize that other people out there have similar problems and creativity is always the best outlet to express your own personal feelings. It's not about creating new fresh content, sometimes just speaking simple truths we realize that all humans make mistakes, even rockstars. Thank you to Jack Johnson, Jason Mraz, Bob Marley, Brett Dennen, John Mayer, Josh Radin, and many others who have helped and inspired me through my own personal issues. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Limiting Beliefs
What is belief? We're all basically brought up to believe in something. But are our beliefs even truth? A lot of us struggle with our beliefs without even really knowing or understanding them. Our beliefs are what drive us though and it is imperative we understand this as we ascend.
At birth we don't even get to chose our name, so we can forget about choosing our beliefs. Without even realizing it the majority of our lives are defending our belief system which most of us have adopted since birth. But have we dared to question our own beliefs? See most of us do not understand that questioning our own beliefs can help lead us to our own personal salvation. Our core values have been shaped by our environment and it is time to recognize that our environment does not necessarily have to be connected to who we are. These are just images we portray on ourselves for some kind of identity. I'm doing my best not to mention labels to avoid perception of who i am or what I believe in. Because in life we all have been taught to compare our labels or identity with others for some sense of rightness about who we are. Naturally we are all different in many ways, but the fact is we are still all one. If every single one of us is constantly focusing on our identity and our beliefs based on our environmental upbringing than technically we're all like minded thinkers. So is being different just a matter of environment? If that's the case our own family couldn't possibly really know who we are, but why do we all compete and judge the same? Understanding this phenomena is really enlightening. We have to come to terms with that our beliefs may simply be our environmental upbringing, not something intimate with our personal being. However, don't get all crazy about this. This is not earth shattering, but something we ALL must experience. Yes, some of our beliefs are flat our wrong to others based on their own environmental upbringing. And sometimes we ourselves will realize that our own personal belief may be wrong to ourselves. All of this is essential in our growth as humans. Understanding that we choose to believe in what we believe in is very powerful.
As most of us start to feel something different happen we may start to question who we are and why we're here, and just start to feel utter confusion. Understand though that this is part of the process. Don't get down because old habits or beliefs are starting to become boring and unfulfilled. We may even start to feel like not doing anything at all. Again, perfectly natural. The old ways of the world are ending, so it's important we feel and experience this pain in order to step outside of the realm of limiting beliefs.
This also brings me to what to believe in... We may start to feel lost as we start to drop these old beliefs that we may start attaching ourselves to other belief systems or ways of thinking without even realizing that your old behavior is manifesting itself within a new belief or identity. We must watch out for this and stay aware and focused. What you need to be aware and focused on is the fact that we keep on attaching ourselves to a belief systems for some sort of acceptance from someone... Especially with the internet world, we have found it easy to drop old beliefs and change them on the fly because we can easily now find like minded people... But remember that the act of holding onto any belief is simply looking on the outside for acceptance so we can find out place in the world... Well, honestly you do not need to look any further. There is something that you can believe in if you truly want to see change in the world and especially yourself....And that is the belief in self. Yes, simply believing yourself to hold all the secrets to life, keys to growth, infinite knowledge and power, and abundance of happiness is something that all it takes is a belief in your own personal self. And where do beliefs start? Thoughts... Our dominant thoughts shape our beliefs, which shape our feelings, which manifest physical reality. Not to get too metaphysical, but test it for yourself. If you're constantly thinking of the thing, you get the thing. Good, bad, negative, positive... Does not matter. Your thoughts will eventually become your reality. So depending on where you are in your personal evolution could determine the amount of time it takes to achieve your own personal particular goal. There is no time table to determine someones own path. Simply because each individual has had completely different experiences than the next...
So, I'm curious to know how others have had their thoughts manifest into their own physical reality. And what kind of things do you do to change your thinking pattern to change your belief pattern? I personally have decided that You are what you eat and think. So I do everything in my power to eat the cleanest foods and only read things that help me constantly think on growth, not things that limit my beliefs.
At birth we don't even get to chose our name, so we can forget about choosing our beliefs. Without even realizing it the majority of our lives are defending our belief system which most of us have adopted since birth. But have we dared to question our own beliefs? See most of us do not understand that questioning our own beliefs can help lead us to our own personal salvation. Our core values have been shaped by our environment and it is time to recognize that our environment does not necessarily have to be connected to who we are. These are just images we portray on ourselves for some kind of identity. I'm doing my best not to mention labels to avoid perception of who i am or what I believe in. Because in life we all have been taught to compare our labels or identity with others for some sense of rightness about who we are. Naturally we are all different in many ways, but the fact is we are still all one. If every single one of us is constantly focusing on our identity and our beliefs based on our environmental upbringing than technically we're all like minded thinkers. So is being different just a matter of environment? If that's the case our own family couldn't possibly really know who we are, but why do we all compete and judge the same? Understanding this phenomena is really enlightening. We have to come to terms with that our beliefs may simply be our environmental upbringing, not something intimate with our personal being. However, don't get all crazy about this. This is not earth shattering, but something we ALL must experience. Yes, some of our beliefs are flat our wrong to others based on their own environmental upbringing. And sometimes we ourselves will realize that our own personal belief may be wrong to ourselves. All of this is essential in our growth as humans. Understanding that we choose to believe in what we believe in is very powerful.
As most of us start to feel something different happen we may start to question who we are and why we're here, and just start to feel utter confusion. Understand though that this is part of the process. Don't get down because old habits or beliefs are starting to become boring and unfulfilled. We may even start to feel like not doing anything at all. Again, perfectly natural. The old ways of the world are ending, so it's important we feel and experience this pain in order to step outside of the realm of limiting beliefs.
This also brings me to what to believe in... We may start to feel lost as we start to drop these old beliefs that we may start attaching ourselves to other belief systems or ways of thinking without even realizing that your old behavior is manifesting itself within a new belief or identity. We must watch out for this and stay aware and focused. What you need to be aware and focused on is the fact that we keep on attaching ourselves to a belief systems for some sort of acceptance from someone... Especially with the internet world, we have found it easy to drop old beliefs and change them on the fly because we can easily now find like minded people... But remember that the act of holding onto any belief is simply looking on the outside for acceptance so we can find out place in the world... Well, honestly you do not need to look any further. There is something that you can believe in if you truly want to see change in the world and especially yourself....And that is the belief in self. Yes, simply believing yourself to hold all the secrets to life, keys to growth, infinite knowledge and power, and abundance of happiness is something that all it takes is a belief in your own personal self. And where do beliefs start? Thoughts... Our dominant thoughts shape our beliefs, which shape our feelings, which manifest physical reality. Not to get too metaphysical, but test it for yourself. If you're constantly thinking of the thing, you get the thing. Good, bad, negative, positive... Does not matter. Your thoughts will eventually become your reality. So depending on where you are in your personal evolution could determine the amount of time it takes to achieve your own personal particular goal. There is no time table to determine someones own path. Simply because each individual has had completely different experiences than the next...
So, I'm curious to know how others have had their thoughts manifest into their own physical reality. And what kind of things do you do to change your thinking pattern to change your belief pattern? I personally have decided that You are what you eat and think. So I do everything in my power to eat the cleanest foods and only read things that help me constantly think on growth, not things that limit my beliefs.
Human Ascension,
Being Human
Well here I am, a human, who could be lazy, unbalanced, neurotic, and way to introverted at times. But I of course maybe those are labels that could be given by an outsider who could only have a perception of who I really am. Maybe I can be one or all of those things, but are we not supposed to be any of them? Is there like a threshold of how crazy each human can be? What do we compare it to? Or is that what makes us crazy? Thinking everything needs to be compared or we're in this forever competition over everything. Money, cars, clothes, power, and more useless crap that everyone knows really doesn't make them feel less crazy at times. So than what is going on? We all strive for "more money" but inevitably end up just mediocre and if you actually talk to most Americans they are border line unintelligent. But how can a world that has produced some of the most brilliant minds be now littered with inadequate humans incapable of changing their eating habits never mind the world... However on the flip side there are a tremendous amount of people that are more open minded about life in general. I mean just a few hundred years ago if you weren't a certain religion they would just kill you. Things may not seem to be as strict now a days and that's because of a reason...
We are all humans and we at times realize that our beliefs and habits have been taught to us. Why does it seem that everyone is pumping fear into everyone. Clearly everyone isn't knowingly provoking fear in order to move ahead, although some do know the tricks of the trade... But where did this "fear" come from? Why is it so controlling? Is "it" even considered an "it"? If we describe fear as an emotion, than what exactly is an emotion? Is it a thing? Can we control it? See this to me is a major issue. Know one ever realizes that emotions, thought, and the physical body are all completely separate in a control sense. Each one needs to be mastered. These unfortunately aren't things that have been discussed in main stream. Obviously their are masters all over the world. And some people are mediocre and others live a life of poverty. This has been the ways of the world for as long as anyone can remember. However in 2011 their was a major consciousness shift that has opened up a portal to a higher dimension for human ascension. And this my fellow Internet junkies is what is going to change humanity forever. We are simply not going to listen to people telling us what to do because it will simply stop making sense to your inner self. You may even feel compelled to just sit back, become, lazy and anti social. All while just soaking in as much knowledge as possible to deal with this something that is changing in your life. What ever you're doing now is what you're supposed to be doing and it's time for everyone to simply first accept their situation, but than believe that the things are changing. We must believe that Every human has an infinite potential burning inside of them which is a unique talent they bring to society. There is no separatism between the people. We all have potential. Because of the money system we obviously have created these fictitious classes of people than judged them because they weren't has wealthy. All while the rich bent the rules in their favor to make themselves richer. I don't blame them though. I mean we all allowed it all along, but now it's everyone else's turn to experience bliss... And this is what life is all about. Pain, Knowledge, Action, Power. Find your Pain, gain as much Knowledge you can about your pain, find similar people to talk to, and jot down possible solutions. Then just take Action with the new knowledge you have and gain your Power! This can be applied to anything and everything and I think together we all must help each other take ownership in applying this to our daily lives. There is no additional work that needs to be done, just simply start accepting who you are. Understand your faults as well as your talents. But finding faults is an amazing journey and its never ending. It's much more exhilarating to start to find solutions to the faults you have in your life. I challenge everyone to just start writing about yourself, who you are, your faults, and your talents immediately. Let us all just guide each other to evolve into something better as we head into a new age of universal awareness!
We are all humans and we at times realize that our beliefs and habits have been taught to us. Why does it seem that everyone is pumping fear into everyone. Clearly everyone isn't knowingly provoking fear in order to move ahead, although some do know the tricks of the trade... But where did this "fear" come from? Why is it so controlling? Is "it" even considered an "it"? If we describe fear as an emotion, than what exactly is an emotion? Is it a thing? Can we control it? See this to me is a major issue. Know one ever realizes that emotions, thought, and the physical body are all completely separate in a control sense. Each one needs to be mastered. These unfortunately aren't things that have been discussed in main stream. Obviously their are masters all over the world. And some people are mediocre and others live a life of poverty. This has been the ways of the world for as long as anyone can remember. However in 2011 their was a major consciousness shift that has opened up a portal to a higher dimension for human ascension. And this my fellow Internet junkies is what is going to change humanity forever. We are simply not going to listen to people telling us what to do because it will simply stop making sense to your inner self. You may even feel compelled to just sit back, become, lazy and anti social. All while just soaking in as much knowledge as possible to deal with this something that is changing in your life. What ever you're doing now is what you're supposed to be doing and it's time for everyone to simply first accept their situation, but than believe that the things are changing. We must believe that Every human has an infinite potential burning inside of them which is a unique talent they bring to society. There is no separatism between the people. We all have potential. Because of the money system we obviously have created these fictitious classes of people than judged them because they weren't has wealthy. All while the rich bent the rules in their favor to make themselves richer. I don't blame them though. I mean we all allowed it all along, but now it's everyone else's turn to experience bliss... And this is what life is all about. Pain, Knowledge, Action, Power. Find your Pain, gain as much Knowledge you can about your pain, find similar people to talk to, and jot down possible solutions. Then just take Action with the new knowledge you have and gain your Power! This can be applied to anything and everything and I think together we all must help each other take ownership in applying this to our daily lives. There is no additional work that needs to be done, just simply start accepting who you are. Understand your faults as well as your talents. But finding faults is an amazing journey and its never ending. It's much more exhilarating to start to find solutions to the faults you have in your life. I challenge everyone to just start writing about yourself, who you are, your faults, and your talents immediately. Let us all just guide each other to evolve into something better as we head into a new age of universal awareness!
Human Ascension,
What is love? How do we know if we're I'm love? What's the difference between being in love and loving a favorite food? To me the word love can be very confusing to most who don't really understand its true meaning.
Love is an emotion. There's only 2 major emotions which are love and fear. And what I've come to understand is we simply act and vibrate based on those 2 emotions. When someone shows anger or rage, deep inside there is fear that has been suppressed. This is common knowledge, but no one really talks about how each emotion vibrates at a different frequency. We're all too wrapped up in the actual word that we neglect to feel the emotion of love. When you vibrate at the love frequency you will manifest the most incredible life for yourself and attract others to you. You'll be able to live any life you wish when vibrating the frequency of love.
The problem is with society on many different levels is it causes separatism. We may have been led to believe that choices are free will, but if you look deeper our choices are causing more and more separation between us as humans. We really don't know how to act when we're not vibrating love, which is why we're so chaotic. The illusion of striving for the next product to purchase is not love. These satisfy deep desires to obtain wealth and have more than others. This stems from fear a well. We fear being left behind. Not having what everyone has, not being accepted, ect. This is what we all need to stop and realize. What you are doing you have been taught to do for a reason. It's time to step outside of the box and show pure love. You'll see how difficult it may be for you, but this will lead you on a path of soul searching. You have to experience pain to receive pleasure, but what I have also noticed is or society today is simply hiding from truly showing love.
So here's some things to do to try and shift our frequency to vibrate love and move on from this stagnant world we live in today.
1) meditate: please everyone, this is so important to sit in silence and clear your mind. This is essential to your growth and understanding. The secrets of the world are locked inside of you. You just have to ask. This is definitely a practice, but there's a ton of information on the Internet providing tips. Also I recommend starting with meditation music to help keep your mind off of the nonsense that automatically pops in your head.
2) eat clean food: I don't need to go to deep into this, but eating a healthy diet of fresh fruits and veggies and cutting out processed garbage will help your mind, body, and soul. You are what you eat and we're all in denial about it. We're addicted to our shitty food and it's time to change or eating habits. Food does not make you happy, it satisfies you for a moment. And typically heavy eaters are afraid so they keep on eating to keep their minds off of their fear. Juicing fruits and veggies is an amazing way to consume a lot without actually eating them.
3) smile at strangers: this little change will show amazing results. And it will make you feel good inside. Try it!
4) work hard: do what you love though. If you have a job do the best you can. And I also recommend working on you passion and trying to learn ways to monetize from it. I feel that when you can make money off your passion you genuinely learn how to provide a great service and help others without ever really thinking about money. So go ahead and write some ideas down.
5) call your family and friends often: don't neglect the people in your life.
6) read: reading opens the mind and give new ideas. One book a month can change your life in no time. Give it a shot, it can only make you smarter...
Well, these are just some ideas to help vibrate at a higher frequency. Would love to hear some other things people do to vibrate love!
Love is an emotion. There's only 2 major emotions which are love and fear. And what I've come to understand is we simply act and vibrate based on those 2 emotions. When someone shows anger or rage, deep inside there is fear that has been suppressed. This is common knowledge, but no one really talks about how each emotion vibrates at a different frequency. We're all too wrapped up in the actual word that we neglect to feel the emotion of love. When you vibrate at the love frequency you will manifest the most incredible life for yourself and attract others to you. You'll be able to live any life you wish when vibrating the frequency of love.
The problem is with society on many different levels is it causes separatism. We may have been led to believe that choices are free will, but if you look deeper our choices are causing more and more separation between us as humans. We really don't know how to act when we're not vibrating love, which is why we're so chaotic. The illusion of striving for the next product to purchase is not love. These satisfy deep desires to obtain wealth and have more than others. This stems from fear a well. We fear being left behind. Not having what everyone has, not being accepted, ect. This is what we all need to stop and realize. What you are doing you have been taught to do for a reason. It's time to step outside of the box and show pure love. You'll see how difficult it may be for you, but this will lead you on a path of soul searching. You have to experience pain to receive pleasure, but what I have also noticed is or society today is simply hiding from truly showing love.
So here's some things to do to try and shift our frequency to vibrate love and move on from this stagnant world we live in today.
1) meditate: please everyone, this is so important to sit in silence and clear your mind. This is essential to your growth and understanding. The secrets of the world are locked inside of you. You just have to ask. This is definitely a practice, but there's a ton of information on the Internet providing tips. Also I recommend starting with meditation music to help keep your mind off of the nonsense that automatically pops in your head.
2) eat clean food: I don't need to go to deep into this, but eating a healthy diet of fresh fruits and veggies and cutting out processed garbage will help your mind, body, and soul. You are what you eat and we're all in denial about it. We're addicted to our shitty food and it's time to change or eating habits. Food does not make you happy, it satisfies you for a moment. And typically heavy eaters are afraid so they keep on eating to keep their minds off of their fear. Juicing fruits and veggies is an amazing way to consume a lot without actually eating them.
3) smile at strangers: this little change will show amazing results. And it will make you feel good inside. Try it!
4) work hard: do what you love though. If you have a job do the best you can. And I also recommend working on you passion and trying to learn ways to monetize from it. I feel that when you can make money off your passion you genuinely learn how to provide a great service and help others without ever really thinking about money. So go ahead and write some ideas down.
5) call your family and friends often: don't neglect the people in your life.
6) read: reading opens the mind and give new ideas. One book a month can change your life in no time. Give it a shot, it can only make you smarter...
Well, these are just some ideas to help vibrate at a higher frequency. Would love to hear some other things people do to vibrate love!
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