Sunday, October 7, 2012

Juicing cures??

So we want to be full of health and wellness, but can't figure out the right formula? Tried all kinds of fads, diets, and pills, but nothing seems to work? Let's be real though. At the end of the day we all know by now there is no quick fix to anything in life. If you want fulfillment, joy, or happiness in anything we must work at it and work hard. We're a species that easily becomes addicted to our lifestyle, habits, identity, and beliefs. It literally defines us. But is our identity necessarily truth? Maybe another good post idea...

So back to the topic at hand... Juicing! Some people may or may not have heard about the next best thing since sliced bread, but apparently juicing fruits and vegetable virtually cures ALL disease. We're also finding out that our state of mind and thoughts create our reality... Maybe more on that later or another post also. I'm not going to get scientific here, but I challenge everyone to research juicing and the amazing ability of the human body to heal itself when properly fed and maintained.

A few good places to start in your research is to google the following:

David "Avocado" Wolfe
Dan "The Man" McDonald
Documentary: Fat, Sick, and Nearly, Dead
The Gerson Therapy (also has a documentary)
Juicer Recommendation: Breville.
I've tried a lot of juicers and this has been by far the best I've seen. But again do your own research.

See for yourself the amazing healing potential of juicing! Our grandparents were right all along telling us to eat our fruits and veggies. Chose food over pills. Big Pharma and the FDA are all for profit, do your research. We're blessed to be able to learn for ourselves. Don't take your decisions for granted. Don't let other people tell you what's right and wrong. We're a society that's allowed to kill and poison our species in the name of God, Money, and Power. We have all the power. Life life to the fullest! Love everything with full intentions. Big smile!!!


Everything is family. We are all one with all living things. See the beauty in all...

End of the World?

Nope... Just disinformation from people trying to manipulate our minds so we're distracted from our own personal growth. Not focusing on personal growth keeps you chasing the dream. Keeps us focused on materialism instead of our selves... Fleeting pleasures are not true joy. What we see is not necessarily real. Start focusing on ourselves, not money or ego. We are how we perceive the world. Ego separates us. It's our devil. Arguing over politicians is simply ego. You feel you're always right because we are indeed God. We know our connection to the creator is real, it's just inside of us. No one is different. Identities are ego and meant to distract us. Your physical body and appearance is nothing more than a shell that carries your soul. We're all just made up of energy. No one is their physical appearance. Nothing is separate, unless we chose to believe it is. Having difference of opinion is what makes us all unique. We need to realize that our ego is Satan and we chose to live in heaven or hell. It's all in our minds. The stillness of the air provides us with all the answers. Quite your mind... Love yourself and others will love you.